Welcome to the Moon Area High School Baseball Record Book's version of a Hall Of Fame. It is called the 100/300 Club. I know you ask what does 100/300 mean. It merely means that any Moon Area High School Varsity player that manages to finish their VARSITY career with a better than .300 Batting Average with 100 or more At-bats makes this club. The club was formed in 1990 when I first published the Moon Area H.S. Baseball Record Book. Today, there are only 69 players in the recorded history of Moon Area H.S. Baseball (1963 to present) to have made this club. This is quite an acheivement considering the thousands of players that have played for the Tigers over the past forty-five years under Head Coaches Ray Bosetti, Tom Hoffman and now Dom Santeufemio.
In 2008, only one new member qualified. Nicholas Berdine became the 69th member to be inducted. Below is the complete list of players that make up the club. They are listed by highest average.
1. MOSBERGER, Shaun (1994-95-96) - 68 H - 156 AB - .436
2. AURILA, Brad (1987-88) - 52 H - 121 AB - .430
3. DeANGELIS, Thomas (2005-06-07) - 92 H - 216 AB - .426
4. BUNDA, Jason (1998-99-2000) - 53 H - 127 AB - .417
5. CRIGHTON, Christopher (1999-2000-01) - 64 H - 155 AB - .413
6. NERY, Nathan (2001-02-03) - 49 H - 119 AB - .412
7. PENBERTHY, Daniel (1996-97-98) - 60 H - 146 AB - .411
8. SYKES, Adrian (2002-03-04) - 57 H - 139 AB - .410
9. WELLS, Adam (1984-85) - 43 H - 105 AB - .410
10. SYKES, Austin (2001-02-03) - 85 H - 208 AB - .409
11. HOLLIDAY, Brian (2000-01-02) - 58 H - 146 AB - .397
12. SWALGA, Jason (2003-04) - 52 H - 132 AB - .394
13. HEPAK, Michael (1997-98-99) - 49 H - 125 AB - .392
14. LOVELY, Kevin (1999-2000-01-02) - 96 H - 247 AB - .389
15. HOLLIDAY, Sean (2003-04-05) - 66 H - 170 AB - .388
16. MILLER, Albert (Aly) (1982-83-84) - 55 H - 143 AB - .385
17. GOTTSCHALK, Ronald (1963-64-65) - 51 H - 136 AB - .385
18. KUHN, David (2000-01-02) - 76 H - 199 AB - .382
19. SLOVICK, Chad (1991-92-93) - 57 H - 153 AB - .373
20. PANKO, John (1982-83-84) - 59 H - 159 AB - .371
21. SERGI, Stephen (1987-88-89) - 44 H - 119 AB - .370
22. FOLEY, Christopher (1988-89-90) - 37 H - 100 AB - .370
23. MILLER, Matthew (1997-98-99) - 51 H - 140 AB - .364
24. GOTTSCHALK, Howard (1963-64-65-66) - 47 H - 130 AB - .362
25. PECK, Jeffrey (1995-96-97) - 61 H - 171 AB - .357
26. BONDI, Philip (1984-85) - 44 H - 124 AB - .355
27. KEELY, Scott (1977-78-79) - 37 H - 105 AB - .352
28. MATTHEWS, Thomas (1985-86-87) - 46 H - 131 AB - .351
29. MARIANO, Robert (1974-75-76) - 72 H - 206 AB - .350
30. WILLIAMS, Casey (2004-05-06) - 71 H - 203 AB - .350
31. BRUNETTE, James (1991-92-93) - 49 H - 140 AB - .350
32. POLET, Thomas (1965-66-67) - 43 H - 123 AB - .350
33. DOBSON, John (1978-79) - 36 H - 103 AB - .350
34. HUDOCK, John (1973-74-75) - 46 H - 132 AB - .348
35. *BERDINE, Nicholas (2006-07-08) - 43 H - 124 H - .347
36. DOMENICO, Daniel (1996-97-98) - 54 H - 156 AB - .346
37. BRUNETTE, Gary (1971-72-73) - 52 H - 153 AB - .340
38. SOFRANKO, Jay (1996-97-98) - 48 H - 141 AB - .340
39. SACHS, Joseph (1992-93-94) - 35 H - 103 AB - .340
40. PETRO, Mark (1981-82) - 50 H - 148 AB - .338
41. FRANCIS, Robert (2003-04-05) - 67 H - 199 AB - .337
42. PANKO, Ronald (1980-81-82) - 34 H - 101 AB - .337
43. PASS, Joseph (1988-89-90) - 48 H - 143 AB - .336
44. WENSON, Curtis (1978-79-80) - 38 H - 113 AB - .336
45. MURPHY, Gary (1965-66-67) - 36 H - 107 - .336
46. McKENDRY, Daniel (1978-79-80) - 58 H - 174 AB - .333
47. CHRISTIANSEN, Fritz (1974-75-76) - 50 H - 151 AB - .331
48. WALSH, Michael (1969-70-71) - 62 H - 188 AB - .330
49. CRAYTON, Timothy (1999-2000) - 34 H - 103 AB - .330
50. QUINN, Robert (1983-84) - 39 H - 120 AB - .325
51. LANTZY, Christopher (1989-90-91) - 37 H - 114 AB - .325
52. FRANCIS, Randy (1986-87-88) - 35 H - 108 AB - .324
53. WEBER, Frank (1970-71) - 34 H - 105 AB - .324
54. STOPPERICH, Michael (1979-80-81) - 41 H - 127 AB - .323
55. GALLAGHER, Raymond (1978-79) - 38 H - 118 AB - .322
56. TESLA, Nicholas (1975-76) - 34 H - 106 AB - .321
57. TREXLER, Ryan (1997-98) - 38 H - 119 AB - .319
58. NUSSBAUM, Richard (1968-69-70) - 48 H - 151 AB - .318
59. WALSH, Daniel (2004-05-06) - 56 H - 177 AB - .316
60. MINGES, Douglas (1976-77-78) - 50 H - 159 AB - .314
61. WALKER, Stephen (1980-81-82) - 62 H - 199 AB - .312
62. CONLEY, Gregory (1988-89-90) - 32 H - 103 AB - .311
63. URBAN, Phillip (1985-86-87) - 50 H - 162 AB - .309
64. DRUGMAND, William (1974-75) - 37 H - 120 AB - .308
65. MARIANO, Jack (1972-73-74) - 35 H - 114 AB - .307
66. MEDIC, Damon (1976-77) - 34 H - 111 AB - .306
67. GOLDBACH, Bryce (2005-06-07) - 43 H - 141 AB - .305
68. BANIECKI, Lance (1988-89-90) - 32 H - 105 AB - .305
69. PETERSON, Nicholas (2003-04-05) - 49 H - 162 AB - .302
Remember, Tiger Pride! in all Moon Area School Athletics and Academics.
This site was created in July, 2003 and updated 6/2/08 at 3:10 AM . MOON BASEBALL 2008 is HERE!!!! This Page is published by NHM Publications... a subsidiary of Mav Brothers Inc. 2008.
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